4 Signs of Pipe Degradation in Your Home


Plumbing system is a necessity in any home, industry or complex. It is the reason, plumbing systems and supplies are made to last a long period of time. However, they also have an age and don’t last forever. In older-built houses, the trouble of rusting of pipes is more prominent than the newly built houses.

Even if the pipes are in good use does not mean they are in good shape. Every material has a different expiration date and will wear down after a certain number of years. So, one should know the signs to know about the condition of the pipes.

Lead pipes

Lead pipes were used in the past era and now have been banned. But most of the older built home; still have lead pipes which are very hazardous for health. Most of the home built before 1986 have high chances of having lead pipes or sections of lead pipes. To prevent lead poisoning, the pipes were galvanized, but with time the galvanised layer wears off ad leads starts discharging into the main water supply.

Lead is a non corrosive material but when it discharges in water and leads to slow lead poisoning. Lead poisoning is very harmful as it can lead to high blood pressure, kidney damage and retarded development of babies and young ones.

Lead gets discharged into warm water more than in cold water. So, even if there is a suspicion of having leaded pipes in homes, cold water must only be used for drinking.

If the house has lead pipes, it is best to call the pipefitters as soon as possible to replace the entire piping and plumbing system. Since, lead pipes are banned, usage of lead pipes can also lead to some legality.

Repetitive Leaking

If a particular section in the home has repetitive leaks even after repair, it is an indication of pipe issues.

It can mean an improperly installed pipe or pipe corrosion. In both the cases, it is best to call a pipefitter and check the exact problem. Otherwise, the repetitive leak can cause much bigger problems of dampness, increasing the water bill and growth of mould.

Discoloured Water

The discolouration of water from the cold water taps in the house means corrosion in the pipes. Of the rusty water is coming only from the hot water taps, there is a problem with the water heater.

Water pipes also rust over time and the rust impacts the quality of water received by the family. Rust leads to hard water. The adverse impact of rusty hard water is stiffness of clothes, soap film on skin even after washing off, harsh sediments in drinking water and deposits in the bathroom and dishes.

Lower Water Pressure

One of the many reasons of the lower water pressure in the house can be clogging of pipes with mineral and hard water deposits. The harsh contaminants in the water form these deposits in the pipes over the years and can lead to clogging.

When the pipes get clogged, the water flow is hindered and the pressure of the water decreases. Although, there are many several reasons of lower water pressure like leaks, drain clogging, sewer back up but pipe clogging is also a major reason in Sydney, especially die to hard water.

Homeowners should be aware of these signs to know about the condition of pipes of their homes and in case any problem is suspected, pipefitters plumbers Sydney must be called at the earliest hour possible.

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